- Two US-based credit unions are now on the KeyStone platform, the core processing software offered by Corelation.
Pennsylvania-based Cross Valley Federal Credit Union with USD 167 million worth assets and 19,200 members along with Hawaii-based HFS Federal Credit Union with USD 596 million worth assets and 50,900 members have recently switched to the KeyStone platform by Corelation.
As the three organizations operated in three different time zones, the vendor carried out each conversion remotely in order to adhere to COVID-19 health and safety regulations. In due course, the teams were remotely connected for the switchover during the weekend and made sure to leave no stone unturned.
Cross Valley FCU President and CEO, Traci Donahue, expresses her views and states, “We were very fortunate to pair our really great team with a really great team from Corelation. They [the Corelation team] have consistently demonstrated patience, responsiveness, and a willingness to collaborate.” The CEO adds, “Throughout the project, we also developed strong relationships with fellow Corelation clients. Advisory Board member, Becky Reed, reached out to us prior to conversion and provided valuable guidance. There is no other core that has a strong and supportive community like Corelation; their clients really are a cooperative group of people.”
Nathan Abe, President and CEO of HFS Federal Credit Union, made a special mention about the Corelation team. In a statement, he said that even though team Corelation worked remotely from a few thousand miles, it seemed they were right here, working with us. He adds, the Corelation team has an excellent team of knowledgeable individuals.
On the business front, recently, Corelation added Louisiana-based La Capitol Federal Credit Union in its kitty.
Along with that, the software company has a few big names in its client list, including industry players such as Anheuser-Bush Employees Credit Union in Missouri, worth USD 1.7 billion; Coast Central Credit Union from California, worth USD 1.4 billion; and Achieva Credit Union in Florida, worth USD 1.7 billion.